Author: dosch
Spoken GPG-key
For the blind and the analphabatic, my public gpg-key in audio: spoken_public_keydon’t ask why… #audio #gpg #key #lookingforsolutions #security
Beatriz Busaniche on WCIT
From #itu #lawandpolitics #wcit
WordPress 3.5 is so yesterday 😉
WordPress 3.5 is so yesterday 😉 #betastyle #software #updateing #wordpress
Rijksoverheid wil je hebben
Gemaakt met de hulp van de Protect my Privacy App #apps #foundprivacy #iphone #lawandpolitics #protectmyprivacy #rijksoverheid #software
RFID tags: the mark of the beast
Revelation 13:16-18 says that followers of the Beast “receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,” which allows them to buy and sell goods. Certain biblical sects have taken this to mean RFID chips or identity cards.Other non-believers think John was a bit too fond of funny mushrooms and shouldnt be taken […]
How the ITU could put the Internet behind closed doors.
via #accessnow #itu #lawandpolitics
WordPress trojans
I am highly disappointed by the trojan-style of WordPress to instal tracking software on self-hosted websites.WordPress provides a really nice plugin named Jetpack; it provides al kinds of useful tools for the owners of a self-hosted WordPress blog. But the way to pay for this functionality is to secretly track visitors and sell that data […]
- is now on WP3.5 beta 3!
So you know what’s going on when we crash 😉 Nah, in reality beta releases of WordPress are pretty stable already. WordPress › WordPress 3.5 Beta 3. #beta #lookingforsolutions #software #wordpress
The best cat is a cryptocat
Private Conversations for Everyone. Cryptocat is an instant messaging platform that lets you easily have private conversations with friends. Messages are encrypted before leaving your screen and are protected from being viewed by any third party, even from us. Cryptocat is free software built on open standards. Our development process is under continuous examination by […]
2 billion connected, 1 billion on Facebook
There were 2.3 billion Internet users worldwide at the end of 2011, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Wu Hongbo, said in his address to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which opened in Baku, Azerbaijan. In addition, mobile broadband reached more than 1 billion subscriptions, while the use of fixed broadband was estimated […]