Author: dosch
Welcome to Hyperboria
Our objective is to create a versatile, decentralized network built on secure protocols for routing traffic over private mesh or public internetworks independent of a central supporting infrastructure. #diy #foundprivacy #hyperboria #lookingforsolutions #mesh #security #software #video
dudle – doodle of dudle? – Poll
dudle – doodle of dudle? – Poll. #foundprivacy #lookingforsolutions
Electing a President in a Microtargeted World
And how has the digital space changed what you do?It’s a really intriguing space for us, because we’ve spent so much time and effort trying to get information out of people, calling them, knocking on their doors, etc. And now suddenly, through Twitter and Facebook and other online social networking, people are volunteering this information […]
DIY Drone starts itself
Ik ben voor DIY, maar dit moet wel tot mensen beperkt blijven. DIY voor drones is NOT GOOD! Air Force mechanics have reported mysterious incidents in which the airborne robots went haywire. In March 2011, a Predator parked at the camp started its engine without any human direction, even though the ignition had been turned […]
Gratis docu over je privacy
Panopticon – de docu over jouw privacy from PV producties on Vimeo. #docu #facebook #foundprivacy #lawandpolitics #lookingforsolutions #presentations #privacy #security #video
The state of alternative social networks | Axel’s Blog
So what’s the state of social network alternatives … right now the situation is outright depressing. has failed to become the new Twitter for years, despite a superior feature set and full Twitter integration. The next Facebook is not even a dot on the horizon – just one thing is certain, Diaspora’s NOT it. […]
Users from China and Hong Kong have reported that the popular mobile phone message service WeChat, a product of the Chinese web service company Tencent, has censored [zh] sensitive keywords such as the name of recently ousted political leader “Bo Xilai.” Users are asked by the application service to “readjust your text before sending your […]
Mesh Network with Drones
#diy #drones #lookingforsolutions #meshnetwork #piratebay
Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone by Adapteva — Kickstarter
Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone by Adapteva — Kickstarter. Making parallel computing easy to use has been described as “a problem as hard as any that computer science has faced”. With such a big challenge ahead, we need to make sure that every programmer has access to cheap and open parallel hardware and development tools. […]
The End of Crypto
#cryptography #diy #endofcyrpto #foundprivacy #gpg #pgp #presentations #ziitrain