Author: dosch
Grondig stukje tekst over de Piratebay, auteursrecht en de wet
Al sinds de pianola is er geen enkele innovatie in contentdistributie geweest die uit vrije wil enthousiast omarmd is door de industrie. Ja, DRM. Lees het hele artikel bij ICTRecht #arnoudengelfriet #ictrecht #lawandpolitics #piraatbaai #proxy #rechters #uitleg #xs4all
Apple, meet GPG, GPG, meet Apple. | I Am Security
The guys at GPGTools are doing some fantastic work in bringing a comprehensive GPG implementation into Mac OS X, and Apple seem to not only ignore the need for such an important tool, but consistently screw things up with Mail such that every new OS X update the GPGMail plugin is rendered useless. Apple, meet […]
Hacken voor het vrije woord | Sargasso
Een groepje Nederlandse hackers helpt activisten en journalisten online aanvallen te weerstaan. Hacken voor het vrije woord | Sargasso. #diy #greenhost #hackaton #lawandpolitics #lookingforsolutions #saragasso #security
Join DIASPORA* today
an invitation to join the open and cool network Diaspora: DIASPORA*. #diaspora #easyaspie #lookingforsolutions #nofacebook #software
Quote on Occupy – Found on a mailinglist
It looks like the Occupy thingie is on its way to be coopted, romanticized, historicized, adopted into folk and commercial art/culture, before it actually achieved anything. Can’t wait for the ‘addopt the occupier for $1/day’ NGO. It’s the perfect circle – we’ll be discussing, PhD-ing, publishing, movie-making and T-shirting the revolution that never happened. Welcome […]
Quick Guide to Email encryption
This chapter will introduce you to some basic concepts behind mail encryption. It is important to read to get some feeling of how mail encryption actually works and what its caveats and limitations are. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is the protocol we shall use for e-mail encryption. This protocol allows us to digitally sign and […]
Apple’s Crystal Prison and the Future of Open Platforms
Apple’s recent products, especially their mobile iOS devices, are like beautiful crystal prisons, with a wide range of restrictions imposed by the OS, the hardware, and Apple’s contracts with carriers as well as contracts with developers. Only users who can hack or “jailbreak” their devices can escape these limitations. link to the article on the […]
The nine-headed monster named ACTA
Both in substance and in process, ACTA embodies an outdated top-down, arbitrary approach to government that is out of step with modern notions of participatory democracy. If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? #acta #eff #ep #lawandpolitics #vote
Commotion: Let’s get Meshy!
WHAT’S COMMOTIONCommotion, is an open source “device-as-infrastructure” communication platform that integrates users’ existing cell phones, Wi-Fi enabled computers, and other wireless-capable devices to create community- and metro-scale, peer-to-peer communications networks. HOW IT WORKSCommotion is organized and maintained by community members to fit their needs. It can act as a backbone for last-mile infrastructure, a local […]
OpenData brace yourself, Morozov is moving in!
Evgeny Morozov curbs Web enthusiasm His next book will include an attack on the “open data” movement. In one cautionary example, the Indian state of Karnataka put millions of property records online in the name of convenience and transparency. “The wealthy and the powerful used this new data to evict the poor, find the right […]