I made two occupy.here nodes today. It was very easy thnx to the great documentation.
Each Occupy.here router is a LAN island in an archipelago of affiliated websites.
Anyone within range of an Occupy.here wifi router, with a web-capable pokedex or laptop, can join the network “OCCUPY.HERE,” load the locally-hosted website http:/
/ , and use the message board to connect with other users nearby. The open source forum software offers a simple, mobile-friendly interface where users can share messages and files.occupy.here
Although it is pretty neat, I have some improvement ideas:
- An online map with current nodes (maybe on occupyhere.org)
- Documentation on how to change the design
- Syncing between nodes: if two nodes come close to each other it would be cool if they sync messages
- Documentation on translation possibilities
Further: The current version requires you to go to the exact webpage. Currently http:/
Ideally you get redirected to the correct page as soon as you attempt to go to any site. Just like when you are on on of these public wifi’s where you first have to agree to the terms before they allow you to use their net.
At any rate, keep your eyes open for suspiciously named networks when I am near.