Category: #foundprivacy

  • Shaarli

    You want to share the links you discover? Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone you can install on your own website. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. #foundprivacy #link #software

  • Tor executive director hints at Firefox integration

    The Tor anonymity network may soon expand to hundreds of millions of new users around the world as the software’s developers prepare to scale to a “global population.” Several major tech firms are in talks with Tor to include the software in products that can potentially reach over 500 million Internet users around the world. […]

  • Sandstorm

    When you use a web app today, you usually connect to its developers’ servers. This is backwards, and leaves them in control. Sandstorm makes it easy to run web apps on your own server. Bring their apps to your data, and make sure they don’t do anything you don’t like. No command lines, no configuration […]

  • Signal – Private Messenger for iOS

    Signal provides end-to-end encryption for your calls, securing your conversations so that nobody can listen in.- Signal uses your normal phone number to make and receive calls, so you don’t need yet another identifier.- Signal calls are encrypted end-to-end, but function just like you’re used to.- Free and Open Source, enabling anyone to verify its […]

  • Apple protecting its customers

    Word has it todaythat anyone going to the Tor website is tracked by the NSA after that. So if you clicked that link, you’re now a high value target for the NSA. Just by coincidence I past the Apple store in Amsterdam today to ask for a new battery for my laptop. Out of curiosity […]

  • I am on Keybase

    Keybase will be a public directory of publicly auditable public keys. All paired, for convenience, with unique usernames. Follow me here #foundprivacy #software

  • Why King George III Can Encrypt

    King George III set aside his quill, having completed secret orders to put down the rebellion. It was imperative that they remain secure, visible only to Generals Gage and Howe. The King opened a cabinet in the wall behind him, revealing hundreds of locks each labelled with the name of a British General. Selecting one […]

  • NinjaCat v1.0

    Welcome to NinjaCat application! NinjaCat is a simple realtime, channel based chat service with an optional encryption support. NinjaCat is anonymous and does not keep a serverside copy of your conversation. You should also note that if you want a better anonymity, you should use TOR or equivalent. Please, be aware that NinjaCat is provided […]

  • Perfect visual metaphor for anything internet related

    #foundprivacy #germanuniversity #image

  • Meer dan 5000 databases met persoonsgegevens bij overheid

    De overheid heeft meer dan 5000 databases in beheer met daarin persoonsgegevens van Nederlandse burgers. De meeste Nederlanders zitten er in enkele tientallen hooguit. Maar wie een crimineel verleden heeft, gehandicapt is, langdurig ziek, problemen heeft in het onderwijs, uitkeringstrekker is of asielzoeker en veteraan, staat er zo in meer dan honderd. Dit blijkt uit […]