Category: #foundprivacy

  • WordPress › Cookie Control « WordPress Plugins

    I just added this plugin. Will see how it works. I actually don;t use cookies, but I do use Piwik to make sure no-one is visiting this site. WordPress › Cookie Control « WordPress Plugins. #diy #foundprivacy #lawandpolitics #lookingforsolutions #software

  • Zelluf doen! Spreid je risico’s op internet

    Dit blog gaat over “zelluf doen“: een veelgehoorde kreet onder peuters. En met goede reden, als je ut zelluf een paar keer gedaan hebt dan ben je op weg naar zelfstandigheid en zelfredzaamheid. Jammer dat de meeste internetgebruikers een soort van baby’s zijn die nooit lijken te willen leren hoe je ut zelluf kan doen. […]

  • What the fuck is CISPA? [infographic]

    Created by: #cispa #foundprivacy #infographic #lawandpolitics

  • Thimbl – Free Open Source Distributed Micro-blogging

    Thimbl – Free Open Source Distributed Micro-blogging. Thimbl is a Manifesto for the Open Web written in code The most significant challenge the open web will need to overcome is not technical, it is political. Welcome to Thimbl, the free, open source, distributed micro-blogging platform. If you’re weary of corporations hi-jacking your updates to make […]

  • Commercialization makes your online rights irrelevant

    Commercialization makes your online rights irrelevant, more thoughts from my talk with @ioerror at #rp12 « @dmytri – Venture Communist. #rp12 #dmytri #foundprivacy #nettime #socialmedia

  • Tracking the trackers – Gary Kovacs at TED

    Gary Kovacs: Tracking the trackers As you surf the Web, information is being collected about you. Web tracking is not 100% evil — personal data can make your browsing more efficient; cookies can help your favorite websites stay in business. But, says Gary Kovacs, it’s your right to know what data is being collected about […]

  • Oneswarm: private BitTorrent widely used, currently popular peer-to-peer (P2P) applications offer no user privacy. By design, services like BitTorrent and Gnutella share data with anyone that asks for it, allowing a third-party to systematically monitor user behavior. As a result, using a P2P network means that your online activities become public knowledge. OneSwarm is a new peer-to-peer […]

  • Alsof Digitale veiligheid niet al moeilijk genoeg is…

    “Gesprekken van passagiers van de Rotterdamse vervoersmaatschappij RET worden elektronisch afgeluisterd en gebruikt voor beveiligingsdoeleinden, meldde Elsevier. In eerste instantie wilde men niet toelichten hoe of wat, maar na enige herrie kwam men met “Op onze stations hangen camera’s met microfoons waarmee live meegekeken en -geluisterd kan worden door een meldkamer.” Want tsja, beveiliging hè.” […]

  • Mirror jaarverslag BOF

    Jaarverslag BitsofFreedom gelekt. Klik hier voor het jaarverslag #foundprivacy #link

  • Eben Moglen Yells for Having Facebook

    The data is a privacy issue because we have an enormous ecological disaster created by badly-designed social media now being used by people to control and exploit human beings in all sorts of ways. That’s the consequence of social media structures which encourage people to share using centralized databases, and everything they share is held […]