Category: #lawandpolitics
Users from China and Hong Kong have reported that the popular mobile phone message service WeChat, a product of the Chinese web service company Tencent, has censored [zh] sensitive keywords such as the name of recently ousted political leader “Bo Xilai.” Users are asked by the application service to “readjust your text before sending your […]
Democratie is…
#comic #image #lawandpolitics
BitTorrent study finds most file-sharers are monitored
The study also revealed that so-called blocklists, used by some illegal file-sharers to prevent monitors from connecting to their computers, might not be much use. Read the article at its source #bittorrent #lawandpolitics #security #surveillance #trackers
Fooling Facebook: Telling Lies To Protect Your Privacy
Sounds like a hopelessly naive idea to me… “With a nod toward Bayes theorem, Ludlow basically wants to confuse the advertisers trying to profile him and the algorithmic machines that are trying to make predictions about him by throwing lots of false information about himself onto their radars. So he’s become a digital Scheherazade, weaving […]
Owning it
In many ways, the whole ownership model just seems poorly suited to duplicable technology. Square peg, pentalobe hole. When we try to force new technology into the old model, our contracts end up sounding really, well, creepy. In fact, some licensing contracts stipulate that the people who sign them are not allowed to talk about […]
Grondig stukje tekst over de Piratebay, auteursrecht en de wet
Al sinds de pianola is er geen enkele innovatie in contentdistributie geweest die uit vrije wil enthousiast omarmd is door de industrie. Ja, DRM. Lees het hele artikel bij ICTRecht #arnoudengelfriet #ictrecht #lawandpolitics #piraatbaai #proxy #rechters #uitleg #xs4all
Hacken voor het vrije woord | Sargasso
Een groepje Nederlandse hackers helpt activisten en journalisten online aanvallen te weerstaan. Hacken voor het vrije woord | Sargasso. #diy #greenhost #hackaton #lawandpolitics #lookingforsolutions #saragasso #security
Quote on Occupy – Found on a mailinglist
It looks like the Occupy thingie is on its way to be coopted, romanticized, historicized, adopted into folk and commercial art/culture, before it actually achieved anything. Can’t wait for the ‘addopt the occupier for $1/day’ NGO. It’s the perfect circle – we’ll be discussing, PhD-ing, publishing, movie-making and T-shirting the revolution that never happened. Welcome […]
The nine-headed monster named ACTA
Both in substance and in process, ACTA embodies an outdated top-down, arbitrary approach to government that is out of step with modern notions of participatory democracy. If Europe rejects ACTA, will it actually go away? #acta #eff #ep #lawandpolitics #vote