Category: #lawandpolitics
OpenData brace yourself, Morozov is moving in!
Evgeny Morozov curbs Web enthusiasm His next book will include an attack on the “open data” movement. In one cautionary example, the Indian state of Karnataka put millions of property records online in the name of convenience and transparency. “The wealthy and the powerful used this new data to evict the poor, find the right […]
Piwik als alternatief voor Google Analytics
Ook Google Analytics valt onder de cookiewet. De cookies die deze websiteanalysetool zet, zijn immers niet puur en alleen bedoeld om de eindgebruiker een gepaste webpagina voor te schotelen. De webmaster kan extra informatie krijgen over bezoekers met deze cookies, en dat maakt de cookies toestemmingsplichtig. Los daarvan wordt Analytics gezien als privacytechnisch dubieus, met […]
Bunting on customer feedback
If goods and services are extended to people globally, we can expect feedback in return. If these goods and services are marketed by force, as for example in Iraq, then we can expect a violent customer returns. From the status project #heathbunting #lawandpolitics
Heath Bunting on the hierarchy between the physical and the virtual
Before the Internet, you knew where your virtual body was – it was at the tax office or the police station, or at school. And if a revolution did take place you could go and burn those records, but now people put all their data on different platforms and different machines and think it’s fun. […]
DIY identities
The Status Project. Our identity is constructed as human beings, that can possess one or more natural persons straw men and control one or more artificial persons corporations. Lower class human beings possess one severely reduced natural person and no control of an artificial person. Middle class human beings possess one natural person and perhapscontrol […]
WordPress › Cookie Control « WordPress Plugins
I just added this plugin. Will see how it works. I actually don;t use cookies, but I do use Piwik to make sure no-one is visiting this site. WordPress › Cookie Control « WordPress Plugins. #diy #foundprivacy #lawandpolitics #lookingforsolutions #software
Chaosradio über ACTA
Hier gibts es ne schönen Sendung von Chaosradio über ACTA. Mit ne Beitrag aus Holland 😉 #acta #chaosradio #lawandpolitics #presentations
Surprising Lack Of Dissent In ACTA Debate | Tech the Future
‘Acta is dead in the water but there will be another attempt at regulation. What worries me is the way these people are thinking. They insist on imposing old methods on a new era and they’re destroying the Open Web with their stubbornness. We must look at solutions. The creative commons license, Wikipedia and Kickstarter […]
Get off the Internet!
#diy #lawandpolitics #pics